Friday, March 31, 2006
What a week! So hectic and ****! so many things to do excluding tests.
Had some problems with our international day dance formation. Made me a bit frustrated.
Today, i had the contigent training. It drain nearly 90% of my energy. Few droplets of tears fell out from my eyes as i was enduring the pain of cramps. If that was not enough, we had a very tough training at that point of time. I was on the verge of giving up but i knew i had to prove myself to be part of the contigent. I can't wait to get the speech day over and done with. It's just so exciting...
My feelings are now engulfed in sadness...
3:59 AM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
today's farewell party was a success! Thanks class for your support!
today, will be the last time mrs kavitha would be teaching us. Though i did not cried openly, my heart was crying deep inside. As mentioned before, she was a great teacher. Her departure will not be missed only by me but also to the rest of the class. Here's a big
THANK YOU FOR HER! i am a member of Ren(meaning tolerant and perseverance)haha...
5:41 AM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Groan! Early morning tuition again! I know it's for my own good but it's a saturday! ok, i am glad that's over!Phew!
I am a stupid blunder today. Lucky for me, i had my friends with me. Thanks a lot people
4:03 AM
Friday, March 24, 2006
Although i know the song Helena from mcr is kind of outdated but i've been singing it this week. Must be the influence of kay xian. Lol!
Relatively, i don't understand maths. It's hard! Even harder to just focus on it!
okay, today we had contigent training. The good weather programme. Practice twice on the parade square.then, aftar the whole thing, we all gather near my classroom area. Mr feraj talked to us about our mistakes, improvements and so on...
Woah, i practically slept until 8.30 as soon as i got home.haha! Boredom starts!
5:16 AM
Monday, March 20, 2006
okay... first day of the new term
the class as usual...GREAT! we had to sit with our new group members and i really like them. We got along well..with a main topic of crappy talks.haha, we actually had to do something for a teacher. However, she won't be around at that period. She would be going overseas. I wish her all the best. She is one of my favourite teacher by the way.
We had three free periods. Mrs tan did not come today. Mind you, it was a.maths! haha! then, i went for bio, ate at kfc with sharfirin and finally home sweet home! It's has been quite a long day for me! i guess i'll just retire early! Cheerios!
5:17 AM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Time really flies...
Tomorrow, we will all start the normal dull routine in every kid's life. School... I actually look forward to it for one Very important reason:
Lol! i can't live without having friends around me. They are a great bunch and we always have lots of fun together. One of our main friendship trait is teasing and talking crap.
wel, i guess i have to get ready for tomorrow. I will assure you that i will have "panda eyes" .haha.. panda again.
Lastly, before i end i would like toshout this out to Eunice:
7:20 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
The camp was great! We started off by eating bread for breakfast! The same kind that i ate the day before. Next, we had our p.t(physical training). We have not done that for quite some time. Hey, i still can run like the usual! Lol! I thought i lose my stamina and will feel tired easily but it did not happen yesterday!
Games was next on the list. Farah, Auji,Shafiqah and me got the chance to teach the part A's cling and dodgeball. They played cling well but we had to change dodgeball to poison ball. Although trademark was next, none of us bought the uno cards. It was cancelled!haiz...
Nasi Beriani. I had a headache after eating it. The oil is just too much. Luckily, i did not vomit. i would usually if i am at home.
We had nothing else to do after all that. i was nervous but happy when we were given the chance to train the part A. It felt good. I can't describe the feeling. haha!
Wait!That's not the best part! The best part was that we all got promoted! Yay! my rank has gone up! I am obniously happy but scared too as this year, i have to go through the specs course! Heard that it is tough. My aim is actually to get sec. sergeant.
My friends wold return from ophir today! I can't wait to hear about the adventures they go through!
11:40 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Yay! My blog has been repaired! Thanks to me!
okay! Today, had ncc early in the morning. Seriously, i also wonder what was wrong with us as we all suddenly feel so worn out. Right from the start!ermm, i can't find the answer. lol!i actual vomit at the toilet! i felt so sick! Real sick! Maybe, i am not used to it.
Went home with farah after having lunch at B.T with emilia and azreen. Stupid com hang again and we had to make our way back to school. i was like farah's p.a along the way! She knows why!lol!
Going to get ready for tomorrow's day camp! Pack me stuff, bath and grab my Zzs ! Cheerios! Peace out!
(Life's still a rollercoaster for me...)
5:07 AM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I was happily doing my bio on the iconnexion when it hang! So pissed off! Imagine u r doing it then jam! I think i'll do it in school then. My anger was made worst when a beetle landed on my neck! Gross!
Today, had a maths remedial. The lesson was over very fast. Time flies when you are having fun,honestly.
Ok, yesterday had a class outing after a boring talk made by someone. Next, we had a movie outing! We went to watch The show yours, mine ,ours! That show is freaking hilarious! Recommended! i kept laughing all the way! My stomach ache!haha! Then, one of my class mate treated me to a drink. So nice!
Went home after the outing. Felt bored! Do the usual "walk here walk there" routine at home! On and off the tv, listen to Mp3 reaqd magazine. Serioiusly no mood to do any work.
Look, i dunnoe who u are and i won't give out my details to strangers...
6:14 AM
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Look, i dunnoe what's wrong with me this year. Yeah, My grades are slipping... I know that. I don't think counselling me helps, well, maybe for five minutes or so. No matter how hard i try to focus in class nowadays, it just isn't working. What's wrong with me! I don't know okay so stop asking!
This year just to name some
I get:
Irritated easily
Frequent quarrels
Easily distracted
and much more...
It's just as hard for me okay. Pressure, stress and tension revolves around me now...
10:15 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Well, my nickie in school now among some my chinese girl friends is panda or relatively "xiong mao" in chinese! Lol!
4:54 AM
Well, i just can't wait for the hols to come. I need my break i guess. I felt a bit disappointed when i found out that the unit camp was only for a day. I got to come back next week for some pratice, remedials and stuff.
The next movie i have in mind is ... well i forgot its title but it is the new dating movie. But, i can't watch it. It is rated NC16. Change of plans then i guess.
4:47 AM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Miss Neo did not come for physics again. She's sick i guess. Well, for her period Ronney, Ron, Farah,Ndiy, sharfirin and me played truth or dare. Stacey joined us later on. It was a lot of fun. After rounds of truths, we came to the dare part. It was really funny! We actually got a little attention from the whole class.
4:30 AM
Monday, March 06, 2006
In a few more hours, i would be walking down the aisle. This was a dream that every woman wished for but it was not the case for me. Unlike the other women, i was forced into this marriage by my father. How i hate him! I shall never forgive him for doing this to me. Tears started falling down my cheeks as i recalled the day my father told me about his arranged marriage for me.
" Sally, open the door! I am back!" As soon as i heard the voice, i knew that my father was home. I felt queer that he was back early. He would usually be back during the wee hours of the morning. I was shocked when i saw my father with a bald man. He was shabbily dressed.The man had a wicked smile when he saw me and i sensed that something was wrong.
Just as i was about to enter my room, my father called me. I sat on sofa and notice that my father was having a private conversation with the man. They were talking in hush whispers. While they were at it, the man kept looking at me. I was utterly disgusted. My father then with a satisfied look 0n his face came to my side.
" Sally, you will be married to Mr Pitt here in a month's time. He is very rich and your future would be at safe hands,"said my father. My heart skipped a beat when i learned about it. "How could you marry me off to some old miser! He is fit to be my own grandfather!" i cried with tears rolling down my cheeks. "No! I don't care! You have to do as i say,"he said. I realized that all my efforts to avoid the marriage was futile.My anger surpassed me. I walked straight to the old man and started screaming at him."Who do you think you are? You are old enough to be my grandfather!What makes you think that i will relentlessly agree to marrying you!" I felt satisfied after telling him off. He look at me and there was an undeniable look of anger on his face. He stood up and came to me." It is no use in saying all this now. Your father can't pay off his debts to me.He sold you to me! You are mine now!,"he said. I was shocked. I never thought that my own father would do this to me. He may be addicted to gambling but he should not have resorted to this. I was devastated.Remembering this incident really hurts me. No one would understand the pain that i felt. Never once did i thought that the only person that i trusted in this world would hurt me. I could not bear to feel the pain and humiliation any longer. I rather be dead than be forced to marriage to an old man. One slit was all it takes to end it all.
7:49 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
FlightThe topic for today is flight. Interesting topic i guess. I think i will get the hang of this topic later on.Flight somehow relates to the same meaning as fly to me. In my mind, it depicts a small bird that is making a mark in its life as it will be the first time it will fly and take flight to the sky after relentless days of trying. Finally, its efforts paid off and now it is soaring freely in the sky. For the first time in its life, it will experience freedom and also admire the splendour and beauty of mother nature due to its clear view up high in the blue sky. I feel that this is story on the first flight of small birds is inspiring as it motivates us to persever and strive hard to achieve our goals as nothing in life is easy.I have this life-long dream that i really want to achieve what i am older and obviously richer. I want to travel around the world and learned about the different cultures of different countries. This dream of mine relates with flight as it involves me flying around the world in an aeroplane. An aeroplane is a flight machine that people travel on when they want to travel overseas. The first plane was actually invented by the wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur. Their flight invention amazes everyone in their time. Long ago, people like Leonardo da vinci thought of this but nothing came out of it as no such machines was invented before the wright brothers. I really admire their courage and determination as inventing an aeroplane was an impossible task at the time. The brothers even rode on their inventions to prove themselves without thinking of the consequences. After the aeroplane, many other things or machines associated with flight were invented such as the helicopter and parachute which we often see at the National Day Parade.Have you ever watched the movie mighty ducks. The team ducks won one of the match using a flight formation or even strategy. It was called the flying V which their coach taught them. It is the formation of migratory ducks flying to the south during Winter. It is a good formation as it strengthens the players together as they unite to attack their opponents until400 they score. This movie is still on my favourite movie list despite it being old and outdated. Apart from the mighty ducks the other movie on flight that comes to my mind is final destination 2. it is the scene when the boy dreamt that the plane was going to crash just seconds after it depart from the airport but no one believed him. It was one scene that gets me jumping off my seat. I was really terrified but also excited to find out what would happen next.
Now i am lost for words...Let me think for awhile. Okay, flight to me also represent the motion of the aeroplane due to its wings and also propellers. They actually i think create wind which gives them energy. This is for the case of the propellers. Aeroplane being light rises during flight as it is less dense and also maybe because they are are created in a unique way whereby it actually enable itself to oppose the gravitational force.
5:58 PM