i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize, so don't try to be a smarty-ass by correcting me.
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June 2011
okay okay, i've given you guys your achives!!!
looks like my bro finally got his wish. he just bought a motorcycle with the model of 125z...(whatever that means) i am so clueless when it comes to motorcycles and stuffs. Enough about him.
k people...tmr the muslims would all be celebrating the hari raya! Selamat Hari Raya to all! Please forgive and forget my mistakes that i've done to all my friends out there!
we ended at 4 for ncc today! it 's so boring having to just stay at home with nothing in particular to do! so, i ended up chiling with my juniors and started talking and crapping around with them until 5.30pm. They're a fun bunch.
I sat beside ndiy today in class.Crapping around as usual! hahaz... Quite bored actually with nothing to do since the exams are over. Luckily we had something to do which is to watch a korean movie as a class together! It was hilarious! Highly recommend you guyz to watch MY SASSY GAL! haha... The male lead is such a goof and the female lead looks so demure but quite violent in a funny way!
okay pple!!!! i am back! gee, it's been long since i posted here...anyways, exams are finally over for the year! YIPPIE for now. next year, i would really be studying hard ! gosh!