Friday, May 30, 2008
Bc quiz was tough!!! i don;t think i'll be able to pass the paper!! Term test is next week!!!
Stressing now! Hmm, cds selection will be on the 20th june. i wonder what subjects i'll take. i;m considering psychology but i heard it's pretty tough. My mind's in a muddle right now. sheesh!
6:33 AM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
when i saw read the newspaper about the blind 5yr old korean girl playing the piano, i thought to myself, i've got check it out in youtube. and so i did. it was just amazing that this little girl manage to melt the hearts of many including mine. Tears just kept pouring out especially when she started singing in her angelic voice. It was very emotional. She is indeed a prodigy. i hope her to meet her given the chance.
well, term tests are coming up next.
i'll be mugging soon.
i'll end with this :
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow's a mystery and Today , is a Gift.
4:19 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I am now officially seventeen!!! YAY!!! My birthday had been a blast! I'm so HAPPY!!! I have a long list of people to thank for making my day so wonderful and exciting! Let's start with the family first. Mum and dad were the first two people to wish me and i got the "usual" each year. haha! Bro bought me a gift from body shop!!! I REALLY REALLY shall treasure that present ! It's not like everyday he's nice to me! Tee hee! Sis bought me a big polar bear plushie and i'm having such a great time reading the book Chicken soup for the sister's souls 2, thanks to my sis also!After school, my paternal cousins, kak ilah,kak imah and my siblings headed to T3 and T2 for secret recipe and my cookies n cream ice cream cake! The cake's YUMMY!!! ( of course mah, thanks sis!) HAHA!! There's plenty of pics that shall maybe be uploaded later on. :)In school, my classmates all wished me happy birthday! haha! I would like to thank V , suhui and weiling for their gifts! I really like it !!!!
8:30 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
going to turn seventeen soon!!!
Sis rented a swift and she better bring me around with it.
Nyahahaha! So excited !
hmm, i think i have made some improvements with myself. I'm happy with it and i hope that this will continue. :P
7:37 AM
Monday, May 19, 2008
oh man...
I have a serious issue with procastination. Like today i told myself that i would start studying at this certain timing but i keep shrugging it off. Practically, i just wasted 2/3 of my day doing nothing. sheesh!
anyways, yesterday , i went to my grandma's place. It has ceratinly been awhile since i last visited her. i've got to say that she looks a lot more healthier and thinner than before. As long as she's healthy, i'm happy! lol! my brunei cousin was there as well. lol! ;P i didnt talk to him much. it feels awkward.
yesterday also, i got the chance to see my mother's workplace at hyatt. I've got to say that her workspace is quite small though. lol! sis will start working part-time there soon. mummy said that i can work there too during the hols. hmm,we'll see abt that. hahaha..i might be too lazy! :P
hmm, PIPC and OC quizzes coming up! Sheesh...
7:37 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Like all saturdays, i mugged early in the morning with V. Dorothy and Mich joined us in the afternoon. Thanks to mich, i finally understand some of the BC concepts! hahahaha, so happy!
There was also another embarrasing incident. My flip flop tore and yes, i had to walk home barefooted!!! and yea, thanks mich for laughing at me!!! Grr!!!
I went home to change my footwear of course and headed to tm. Before that, drank durian smoothie! Super nice la! Mich fell in love with it. LOL! Hmm, at tm, after long hours of searching, mich finally got her hp lank yard with my help!!! LOL! It's elmo!! She tempted dorothy to buy and yes, dorothy fell into her trap. Hers was cookie monster! haiya, kids la!
see mich, i not that bad to put the other pix okay! LOL!
I feel motivated! I can do it!
7:18 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008
so much for trying to stay awake during lectures.
Slept at 2.30am yesterday because of HAP and i'm spend so much timeduring the lectures trying to keep myself awake ! None of the info today went into my head. Sigh!
After school, my stomach was growling so i went to kfc with Fida and V.
The fish zinger was not bad though.
8:07 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I must learn to read the questions slowly!
Time and again i made the same careless mistake!
The paper was do-able but i couldnt do the last question.
Oh well, the maths quiz is over.
No point getting all worked up because of it.
Just have to prepare for HAP quiz tomorrow then.
Well, today was quite fun despite of the math quiz. Surprise surprise! This is the first time i didnt have to fight with myself to try and stay awake in BC lecture! Woots! :) i actually got myself prepared with mentos and snickers choc before the lecture in case i sleep! lol! it also help to have friends to help keep me awake.
HAP's fun as usual but had difficulty understanding OC today.
After school, went to A1 with chel, mich, jing hui and V. HAHAHA! chel never fail to make me laugh! She and her secret recipe drink. lols! mich , chel and jing hui are going to try out tough rugby with G today! Good luck! HAHAHA! Be strong people!
3:35 AM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day to all! :)
4:34 AM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Term test, pop quizzes are coming real soon. I didnt expect it would be this soon! Whoa! Time really does fly past quickly! lols!
Today, i've been busy mugging in the morning with V and Fida. Studied maths and biochem with them. Biochem is really such a difficult subject to cope! I really don't know what i am going to do when the term test comes.
AnywaYS, the school vending machine cheated me of my $1.10 !!! I put in the money, didnt get the drink and no money back given! Absurd!!!! Haish!
On a lighter note, went out shopping with sharfirin after studying. She bought lots of clothes while i help her pick out some outfits! Shar, start saving already okay! LOL!
8:29 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
As the days passed, more people are falling ill.For me, i've yet to recover from my flu. Christina had to be send to the sick bay today. With more people sick, the class has gone a wee bit quiet.
So after school, yoyo, alicia and i sent Christina home.
Initially wanted to bring her to the clinic but it was too crowded! So she decided to go with her mother later on. Afterwhich, the three of us went specs hunting. Once this is done, we had our lunch . The food was alright though.
and yes, i think i'm going to have mood swings soon.
3:52 AM
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
School has just been a blast!
Everyday, there's sure to be something to laugh about.
Be it jokes or just random acts!
I like my class!
hmm, school ended at 6. Afterwhich, i accompanied miche, guinn and jh to their floorball trials. It seems fun! G's enjoying herself in touch rugby too!
For me, i still don't know what to join.
Hmm, maybe the community service club.
oh well,people have also been falling sick.
i've been sick for 2 weeks already,
Think i need to make my way to the clinic soon.
8:35 AM
Friday, May 02, 2008
This is just random quizes that i took. enjoy!!!
You Are Cheerios

Like other Cheerios eaters, you want to be a responsible adult.
But you can't help but still be a kid at heart!
You try to make good decisions. You're a clean cut, conscientious person.
You're the type of person who would never skip breakfast.
Part of you thinks that breakfast is too important to miss...
But a bigger part of you knows it's too fun to miss!
What Your Favorite Color Blue Says About You:

Emotional --- Affected --- Sensitive
Peaceful --- Tranquil --- Connected
Spiritual --- Experimental --- Deep
5:29 AM
The day started pretty well today.
The joke today is the Brasil thingy! It's an inside joke. It's very hilarious.
Lunch was great today with the gal pals , jinghui, rachel, G, mitch Alicia! They are a cool bunch of people to hang out with. Very Candid and love taking pictures. Haha!
hmm, not all things were fun though. I cant seem to get organic chem and biochem facts in my head. So confusing and i can't understand a thing. This freaks me out a little . i mean, i've only been learning the first few topics of these subjects and i'm having these kind of problems. However, i'm determined that i can overcome these topics.
Hmm, went to cheers before heading home . Bought myself some japanese seaweed and 100 plus bottles. Jing Hui feel in love with the sea weeds. yea, it was pretty tasty! Yummy! :P
4:26 AM