Thursday, October 30, 2008
i think i'm going to be sick again. i'm having flu symptoms starting with the blocked nose! i guess a new antigen must have entered activating my immune cells. Luckily, there's a flu pill at home.The pill should aid the antibodies in binding the antigens.Hahas! Dont listen to me! i dont even know what i'm talking about.
i never knew that playing uno can be so much fun!!! i had a blast playing the cards with my classmates; chel, mich, jing hui, rev, perry, LK, alvin! everyone was like saying fair play at first but in the end, all got wandering eyes!! all cheater buggers!
the funny statements would be :
Eh eh, I saw her card!!! wah, someone got red!! eh she no blue!!! Eh, faster she UNO already!! Faster BomB her!! Tag team le!!! See la, i tell you she got red, why still put red card?!!! you got power card not?!!! eh, silent killer ah!!! Dont let her win already!!! Enlightenment!!! Oh
ho!!Catch never say UNO!! Lalala!!!
the most fun part has to be the reaction from the other players when one person game first! the rest would make sure the same person wont win twice! LOL! everyone would definitely sabo one another!!! draw fours and draw twos!!! one game could last for an hour! lol, no joke!
I'm starting to feel the effect of the pill. i'm getting drowsy and yea, the eyelids are getting heavier by the seconds. :)
7:10 AM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
hey hey!!! good news ! i finally changed my phone and i've switched to singtel! hopefully, this time i will be more contactable and no more connection problems ya! hahahs!
9:17 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
it's only the first week and i know i shouldnt be complaining or start whining but i really dont understand any of my subjects. try as i might in lectures but no info seemed to be entering this mind of mine. it all sounds foreign to me. oh well, we'll see how next week progresses i guess.
i used to laugh at my friend but now it's my turn. lol. karma! i am the new class rep of my class. lol. yea, i can't imagine myself being one but i guess i'll just have to give it my best! first important duty would now be the ccn day!
I'm really happy with my cds. i dont think i would want to drop any of them. Japanese is fun and i have to give a short presentation on sumo wrestling in the fourth week if i'm not wrong! hahas..i wanted the japanese tea ceremony initially. World issues is kind of fun. to me, it's like social studies cum history cum a bit of geog. in short, Humanities all over again! LOL! i hope that through this course, it will create more awareness about what is really going on around the world.
okay..i'll end it here. ciao! or should i say sayonara!
9:12 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
mich, i hope you're feeling better. hopefully, by tomorrow the flu will go away! :)
i had my first world issues lecture today. it was quite fun but the videos shown were quite depressing but informative as well. it create awareness that all around the world people are suffering. something needs to be done to make it a better place for all of us. hmm, i must say it opened my eyes to things i never thought would happen.
6:36 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
well, school has officially started for me. i went for my first cds tutorials today and it was kinda interesting and fun! made new friends also. hahas. hmm, i've got to say that there's a lot of presentation to be done for this semester. the one that i'm most frightened of would be the public speaking. for as long as i can remember, i have always been fearful of this. hmm, i've got to overcome this somehow.
i think this would be good news for some of my friends. LOL! i am going to change my handphone soon i guess. so dont need to worry about not being able to contact me and all . Hahahas. i will be able to reply to your msg and phone calls fast. i have to pay for this new phone myself and i guess my number will be changing also. no worries..we'll keep you updated. :)
5:29 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008

Lk wanted to pinch my cheeks!! *NO WAY MAN!*

The guys!!! Alvin, Bryan and Perry! ( missing: Cass n Johnathan)

Yoyo YO!!!



i like this pic! :)
there's quite a bit to blog about. much has been going on. :)
i recently learned the basics of using a dslr camera. i finally understood the meaning and functions of aperture, iso and shutter speed. how it affects the pictures taken.i got to play around with the camera and snapped pictures with different exposures. i think these lessons are beneficial to me as photography is a new hobby that i am interested in.
next thing to blog about is the new time table for the coming semester. i was a bit horrified by it and my schedule is so much more packed than the previous sem. However, i am pretty pleased with my japanese and world issues cds. so at least there is something to be happy about the coming sem.
hmm, today's outing with them classmates is fun!!! i always enjoy each outings with them but today really made my day after all the unhappiness revolving around. ate earle swensons lunch set of grilled fillet,chicken, franks, mash potatoes and had a sticky chewy single scoop ice cream!!! yummy!
With our stomachs refuelled, we walked around vivo for 90 mins. then, we went in the cinema to watch eagle eye!!! a great show! 4/5 stars man! the movie was AWESOME!!!
Finally, we went to the sky park and talk away. the topics were interesting like what was the baddest thing we did when we were young. hahahs..lots of laughs there too.
8:58 AM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
i've just finish watching itazura na kiss. Loved the ending. next on yoyo's recommended list is aishiteiruze baby. hahas. hopefully, i can watch this till the last episode too.
school will be starting soon. sigh. i'm still having mixed feelings about it.
hmm...suddenly i'm having the writer's block. i cant seem to be blogging about anything interesting. well, shall end this short post now.
5:27 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
thanks yoyo for being a great companion yesterday. i really enjoy myself and i know i messed up a few times making you feeling SUPER SUPER EGO!!! hahas!!! Enjoy your new cap and i wil enjoy my new converse shoes yo!!
the second part of the day is a bit depressing for me. i am still in a state of shock and i would never expect it to happen to me in a million years. yes, i admit that i am naive and gullible but i am not stupid. i feel dissappointed, lost, empty and literally speechless when i knew the truth. the worse part of it all, i don't think you are remorseful of your actions. seriously, i do not know what else to say. i simply can't believe that this happened.
When desperate ills demand a speedy cure, Distrust is cowardice, and prudence folly.
11:20 PM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
the new school term will begin soon. i have mixed feelings about it.
i am happy to be around my friends but i dont know if i will have the mood to start studying all over again. hmm, we'll see how the day goes...
my laptop has been entertaining me during the holidays when i was bored. I watched new shows and animes like absolute boyfriend, itazura na kiss, school days and many more.. all thanks to mich's recommendation. lol.
5:33 AM
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Suddenly, i have the random urge to drink HONEYDEW SMOOTHIE from A1!!
Yay!!! Luckily for me, my mother bought me one!
hmm, yesterday was a hari raya open house cum birthday party for my seven year old niece, HANEYZ NATASHA!!! so fortunate right her birthday falls on 2nd October!! A day after children's day!! LOL! She had a pinata at her party!! the small children had loads of fun being blindfolded and whacking the pinata with all their might!!!
My brother and i bought her a huge pink bear and a strawberry shortcake picture frame.
9:52 PM
Friday, October 03, 2008
i was an early riser today!!! reason being, two of my tp classmates were coming over for hari raya! Guinny and YoyO!!! LOL! They came over at 11 and luckily, they came with an empty stomach.
i was pretty nice to them. served them my mother's curry chicken and made them try the beef rendang and poured soft drinks.LOL! Dont get too used to it okay!!! i'm not going to be so nice in sch! HAHAS! My dad even bought each of them mee siam! They really did have a hearty breakfast.
Next, they tasted the cookies and potato chips. as usual, the chips are a hit!!! Can't stop munching!!! I was supposed to meet my friend at two but i was delayed since i was playing uno with them. I got third place!!!
the second part of the day was pretty melancholy. i felt asleep as soon as i got home.
5:58 AM