Tuesday, June 30, 2009

i'm definitely feeling the strain.
so many things to do with so little time.
quizzes and tests are coming up one after another.
i learned about universalism, particularism, individualism, communitarism, specific and diffuse theories this week in my cds. hmm, discovered some really interesting facts.
somehow, i kinda feel insecure with the answers i written.
idk if i'm paranoid but i feel that my answers are mediocre. need to brush up on my english.
also, i've been listening to stereopony's songs in their album.
they're really awesome!
Mouth shut-the veronicas, part of the list-neyo, battlefield-jordan spark have are now on repeat.
8:41 AM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
i spent my day watching anime despite knowing that i will be super busy next week. :)
can't help it. LOL! the anime, K-ON! is really addictive!
6:28 AM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
getting to know new people is a great experience.
hahas. i know i sounded pretty worried if you read the prev post but i'm okay now.
i really hope we get to move in the following monday.
i just saw the apartment unit. seems pretty nice and cosy.
the best part is i think, there's air con in every room!! hehs!!
i'm eyeing one particular room.
i ate my dinner while watching night at the museum 2.
suddenly had the urge to find out more about Amelia Earhart.
i found out many interesting facts and i was truly inspired.
she was a female icon. the part that hits me most when i read her story was
in 1937,
at the age of 40 after many achievements,
she wanted to have her last flight.
she said, " just one more long flight".
she never did return from that flight.
She disappeared without a trace.

i feel that
for someone who has been long gone but is still
remembered and honoured till this day is just simply amazing.
7:05 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
the time now is 5.45pm
in exactly 45 more minutes
i'll be meeting my tns classmates officially for the first time.
hahahs!! i dont know why bt i'm pretty nervous.
we'll see how it goes and i'll update this post more ltr.
2:36 AM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thanks v and fidah for accompanying me after school .
went to tamp 1, in the end, didnt buy anything.
slacked at macs instead. hahas!
i had a deja'vu moment just now.
i dreamt of that scene once before and it happened.
Came home feeling damn tired.
bath and then had 20 min power nap.
ate my dinner, updated the blog and now off to do assignments and
maybe just maybe study for the quiz on fri.
or i might just spent my time watching kat tun's skits or some random vid on youtube.
mad tv antonia free pizza skit cracks me up everytime!!
Linkin Park's new divide song is currently on repeat!! Awesomeee!!
4:51 AM
Monday, June 22, 2009
first day of school people!!
surprisingly, i managed to wake up for sch today.
however, somewhere in between the mgen lect,
my eyelids started to feel heavier by the minute.
i cant even understand what the lecturer was saying.
i've got to say first day was okay.
ps: it's time to make a difference. i can do this!
6:46 AM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Class BBQ at AK's place yesterday!
hahas! before that went to play basketball with mich, v and fidah near his place.
v and i managed to prank mich and fida.
we pretended to fight/ argue and they bought our act. hehs!
sorry guys!! didnt mean to prank you.
so yea, headed to ak's place, saw jeremy w his new haircut and chilled at AK's room.
i tried playing guitar hero rock band for the first time.
hahas! i think i suck at the drums but hey, i first timer only. so need more practice.
however, i think i played pretty well for the guitar and the vocals though it's easy mode!!
my best vocals was nine in the afternoon by panic at the disco. LOL!
by 4.30pm we headed out and bought the bbq items.
started bbq at 6 plus.
i really like the otah and the crabmeat. ahahas!
and yea, the marshmellows also.
went home with fida and v in the cab.
sent fida to ubi first then to our place.
the cab driver is so reckless man.
v and i were kind of scared sitting in his cab and
thank god we managed to get home safely.
AND before i forget, LOL!! My Brother Turn 21!! hahahas!
7:26 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
i spent my the day away by watching the telly. hahas.
from movies like the nutty professor and jurassic park to documentaries like insect wars.
i think hornets are mean but they still help to maintain the ecosystem!!
went out for awhile to the bookshop and i actually bought a cookbook on desserts!! LOL!!
now to find pple to sample my cooking!! *evil laughter*
i'm going to start with the basic and the simplest recipe from the book.
my first attempt will be on warm banana caramel.
if successful, i'm going to try the banana split.
wish me luck!!
9:33 AM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

woke up at 9am!!! super early i know!!
i've been waking up close to noon during the hols!
had to meet ndiy at 10am at the interchange.
we headed off to orchard and bought terminator slavation tickets at shaw house first since ndiy pestered me to watch with her. LOL!!
had our lunch at cahaya restaurant in far east plaza.
started our shopping. walked around far east. ndiy bought her pump shoes.
i got angry/pissed rather at one shop. hahas! shall not elaborate.
we then headed to marcs and spencer at wheelock.
supposed to spend only 10 mins there but we ended up in there for quite awhile as we keep trying and trying new stuffs. LOL!!
we both like the office kind of blazer there and ndiy really like the skinny jeans.
in the end, we didnt buy anything. not enough kachings!
lol, something embarrassing happened to me as we walked near wisma area!
shall not elaborate. thinking about it now makes me laugh!! hahahas!
ndiy and i then headed to shaw to catch the movie. i got to say i wasnt disappointed!!
Terminator Salvation is AWESOMEEE!!! i really like it!! two thumbs up!!
the robots were seriously scary..hahas!! it was a bittersweet ending for me.
wished marcus wright ( played by sam worthington btw..hehs) could have stayed on for the next sequel!
Thanks ndiy for pestering me to watch it!!
got to attend cca meeting. hehs!
time to start on pending school work.
9:52 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
met up with michele tan and nadiah H before the subcomm intro meeting.
the plan was to have ice kachang at the bedok food centre.
however, we went to secret recipe attamp 1 instead. LOL!
the chilled strawberry cheesecake was alright! hahas!
hmm, headed back to the sch library.
watched kevjumba and ryan higa at youtube.
read celebrity blogs.
hahas!! we did all this just before the meeting started.
k, after the meeting, i know i'm part of group X.
okay, that's all for now.
tmr i'm going to town with ndiy.
6:55 AM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
met up with saraphine and ndiy again today!
played badminton with them at the open area near saraphine's house!
before that we were just walking around trying to find the best spot to play the game.
LOL!! the open area was okay but the wind keeps getting in the way.
i guess i need to exercise more. LOL!!
coz i feel a bit dizzy after just a few rounds of badminton.
we then headed to food palace and just chilled.
all tried the cheng teng there and ndiy said it wasnt as sweet as before.
HAHAHAH!!! i didnt really fancy it too much either.
should have tried the soursop!
kk, my head is aching now.
damn it, not another migrane..urghhh!!
oh i finally know the meaning behind saraphine, it's the fiery one! hehs!
7:27 AM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
This is cute! check it out!
9:10 AM
BPW's should be over by the end of the last session in the late afternoon.
hahas!! finally no more looking at the same fountain. LOL!
hmm, met up with saraphine and ndiy after the BPW ended.
it has been quite awhile since i last saw them both!!!
so sorry for being late by 15 mins guys!!
hehs!! i know i'm forgiven. LOL!!
so we followed ndiy to numerous shops in Tamp 1.
scanned around but nothing really grabbed her attention. LOL!
in the end, we went to qiji when i had my dinner and we just talked all the way!!
all the memories popping out here and there! Omg, so funny!!
i laughed till i teared and my stomach hurts!
they really bring out all the laughter in me man!!
hahas, i followed ndiy back while saraphine joined her family.
in the bus, the laughter continued and some people were staring at us.
even the aunty next to me changed her seat.. or perhaps hers was the next stop..
hehs, not sure!! LOL!!
Thanks guys for the awesome evening!!
and michele tan, i owe you an ice kachang on MON!!
7:39 AM
Friday, June 12, 2009
i'm feeling damn sleepy right now.
but still, got to blog abt the daily events. hehs!
met up with the funnybones, nadiah H and michele tan at long john for lunch.
we then headed back to sch for the cca awards ceremony.
a big event. with many VIPs. really saw the principle in person for the first time.
felt kinda nervous actually to snap the photos. hahas!
still, happy that the event went on smoothly.
made new friends also. they're really funny.
cliff, bryan, andy and rusdi.
they're the freshies joining us for this event. hehs!
okay, i really got to get some sleep now.
there's another BPW sessions tmr at 9am!!!
aite, ciao people!
8:21 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
yesterday was a great day out!
thanks to them girls!
hahahas! it was really fun trying out new things.
also, i went to dorothy perkins.
tried out something different.
that's all i'll be saying right now. hahahs!
trying to be discreet la..LOL!
i'll just be resting at home and getting some school work done.
there'll be another event to shoot.
7:52 PM
Monday, June 08, 2009
the weather has been pretty hot this past few days. hahas!
hmm, i had another basic photography workshop today.
made quite a number of friends with the freshies. hehs!!
this workshop leaves me wanting to own my own dslr more.
nikon D90 man!!! AWESOME!!
sigh! but i'm still far from saving that amount!
maybe i'll check out harvey norman. heard there's sale! LOL!!
aite, just discovered that i wont be frolicking too much this hols.
many many things to do.
sigh! but i wont miss out on going with my friends once in a while. :)
cant wait for the bbq at ak's place once it's confirm.
right now, i'm just recovering from a bad migrane.
i hate migranes. it always make me puke.
hahahs! okay, too much info there.
hmm, tmr there'll be an innovation workshop.
should i go or should i just stay home for a much needed rest?
10:17 AM
Sunday, June 07, 2009
i woke up at 0930 today.
my siblings still sleeping, dad went out and mum went to johor with her friend.
i went to youtube and started watching Kat Tun skits and pv's!!
it's really funnY!!! HAHAHA!!
i esp like kame's BUN BUN BUN moment!! LOL!!
i watched scandal's shojo s pv as well as stereopony's seishun ni namida ga hitsuyo da pv.
they're really good!!
i like their style of playing the guitar and drums!!
ps: I'm really Really REALLY HAPPY FOR MY FRIEND!! HEHS!!
7:42 AM
Saturday, June 06, 2009

Term test is over!
No more panic attacks, brain cramps, scattered notes and puffy eyes!
yep! i'm currently enjoying 2 weeks of leisure time.
well, as a tradition, after any tests, my friends and i will head off somewhere.
before that, they did accompany me to the dental clinic due to an incessant pain at the back of my mouth. Turns out to be that my gum is inhibiting or blocking the growth of my wisdom teeth. Sigh! Surgery is a factor i have to consider now in case the pain dont go away despite eating their medication.
well, as i was saying, my friends and i headed to tamp 1.
ate at F.I.S.H
wanted to catch blood the last vampire but the tickets left were for the 9 plus show.
definitely too late for any of us.
so, we headed to swens for dessert and to end it off, we took plenty of pictures at the open plaza before heading back home.
i woke up early today.
thought there was religious lessons.
Went to help out the 3 sessions of BPW at the cyber centre.
Made new friends. Learn new things.
went home feeling all exhausted due to the lack of sleep.
my eyelids are getting heavier now.
ciao people!
10:38 AM