Sunday, November 29, 2009

YES!!! I watched it already!!
and i'm super HAPPY!!
thanks yoyo for accompanying me!
next up, new moon!!
hope we can get the tickets!
8:37 AM
Friday, November 27, 2009
i'm definitely having moodswings now!
happy then angsty, happy then angsty again! the cycle continues!!
hopefully, i will be back to my normal self soon.
hahas yes, define normal some would say.
hmm, read my daily dosage of K news from allkpop.
i feel so sad when i read that Yoo Jaesuk and Park Shiyeon are leaving family outing!
i hope Shiyeon gets better soon!
FO is like one if the best korean variety show!! I dont want it to be cancelled!
The show wont be the same without the them!
to end it off on a happier note,
i'm going to catch gokusen the movie tmr with yoyo!!
it's gonna be AWESOME!!
8:41 AM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

as promised, HAPPY 18th BDAY MONKY AND REVVY!!!
hahahs!! hope you'll had an awesome birthday!!!
Must totally thank the two organisers!!!
thanks guys for all hardwork put in! hehs!!
4:52 AM
Sunday, November 22, 2009

YES!! this movie is finally out!!
I can't wait to catch it on the big screen!!
kamenashi is going to be acting in it as well!!!
heheheh!! so excited!!
another reason to be excited about IS....!!!
Finally, they're turning 18!!! LOL!!
shall blog more about this later!!!
hmm, school has been quite hectic the prev week!
but thankfully, i managed to finish my essay in time.
now it's time to finish doing the projects and get into study mode for the term tests!
somehow i feel this sem, i have not been giving it my best.
i hope it's not complacency.
i definitely do not wish for history to repeat itself because of it.
hahs, maybe i'm just thinking too much about it!
5:16 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
argh!! individual ccp assignment dateline is catching up with me!! i feel stress just thinking about it! need to write 2 essays and i'm having blocks now! i just cant seem to find the article that defines any of the terms!! 3 more days left!! i'm in need of divine intervention!
hmm, today i learnt how to use the haemocytometer in mct lab! quite interesting acty. the loading part was alright but the headache comes when the time comes to count the amount of viable cells. i'm not really confident in my counting skills. the bad news is, this practical would be somewhat involved in my practical test sometime later . the good news is, i still got other lab sessions to practice my skills! i really hope i would improve by then! :) wish me luck!
rachel came over to my house after school today. it was raining and she accompanied me back home with her umbrella! hahahas!! we were talking in the living room when my mum suddenly came back! her first question was " Is your friend eurasian?? She looks eurasian " LOL!! heehee!! rachel happy only my mum called her eurasian!! she even counted the number of times my mum call her eurasian! i think it was about 5 times! LOL!! okay la, let u win this time UES budd!! :P
5:53 AM
Sunday, November 15, 2009
craving for crabs and cereal prawns now all thanks to my sister!!
feel like going to newton soon! hehs!
1:29 AM
Thursday, November 12, 2009
it's just thursday but it just feels like a friday to me! lol! school has been great so far!!
friends really perk me up! everyday is like a happy day except when we have tests and stuff!
i'm beginning to realise that i really like mct lab alot! lol!! doing media changing and subculturing! :P
ps: 2 sentences and smiles!
4:58 AM
Monday, November 09, 2009
i've been watching lots of shows lately.
survivor samoa and the amazing race are slowly turning me into a couch potato!
but i got to say my fave would be the biggest loser show!
the biggest loser reality show is really inspiring!
the prize money is great but really,
i think the contestants are really in it to change their lives for the better.
that's why it's really inspiring to me!
i like watching the transformations! Amazing!
cant wait to catch the biggest loser asia soon!
another show that i would be watching soon would be zoom korea!
hehs!! wonder if they will make zoom japan! haha!! i think i think too much le!
but it doesnt hurt to hope right.. :P
consultation today with miss goh went well.
just need to make minor changes to it.
cant wait to start on the experiment!
really hoping that the experiments would be a success.
as for school, ccn day will begin on fri.
my class would be selling ice soya drink i think.
each of us required to sell at least 4.
i'm going to buy one i'm left with 3. hahas!
i went for lunch with ahjusshii myoga and christina today!
our lunch conversations were freaking hilarious!
from "project runway" ahjusshii style and "android grandma"
hahas! go figure!
3:30 AM
Saturday, November 07, 2009
she told me not to blog abt this but seriously, sis crack me up with her fallopian tube "joke" this morning. hahaha! okay fine, i shall not dish out the details!!
hmm, next wk will be a busy week for me ! still, i look forward to the lomo expedition on sat! hehs!! cant wait cant wait! i'm also wondring why i'm so excited for it. hehs! the last expedition i went with my was the macro outing at fort canning last yr. :p
6:58 AM
Friday, November 06, 2009
hahas! today i'm seriously traumatised after sitting next to pok man in mbio lect!! dont ask!!
so school ended at 4pm! headed to CC and hang out with my VC mates! hehs!! ordered 2 b/w films !! going to test my hands on film cameras now! so excited for it!! muahaha!! the b/w film zx bought me for my bday is still at home collecting dust! so it's time to bring it out! :P
6:37 AM
Thursday, November 05, 2009
4 hours of break before the start of cds today! had seoul garden lunch with the bryan, perry, v and fida! the weather was freaking cold so the warm sizzling food really hits the spot! hahs!! ate many different types of chicken, fish, dessert and made my own ice kachang which i shared with fidah! lol!! it may not look like ice kachang but the taste is NICE okayy!!
these days laughter seems to be of essence in my school life. it is impossible not to laugh out loud in most occasions with our random jokes and teasing! hahas!! oh yea, did i mention that UNO is back! LOL!!
4:39 AM
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
i feel so bloated!! this is the first time in 2 weeks that i feel so damn full. the kind where you feel that you could just puke any minute! should have stuck to just dessert like V and not ate a meal. hahaha! only v knows what i'm talking about when i said she's being extra mean today. she could have helped me but no, she waited and WAITED till the end ! lol! thanks ah!!
since i'm feeling better, school has been more fun. well, in my opinion that is. just that since i missed out on the lectures the previous week i need to review my notes constantly to understand the new terms. hahas! thankfully, i have yoyo to help me with that. :)
okay that's it for today guys. take care and stay healthy!! woohoo!!!
4:49 AM
Monday, November 02, 2009
hmm, i can safely say that i'm 90% recovered from my sickness this past week. I'm not going to take any chances and will build on my immune system. more fruits and loads of plain water for me. i shall never take being in a healthy state for granted. when one is sick or in pain, it's really comforting to have the feeling of being healthy back.lesson learnt.
amic project is progressing smoothly at this stage. quite happy with the way things turn out today. the proposal is almost done and now i cant wait to get the lab work started. seems interesting since this is the first time we tried problem solving ourselves for lab work. hehs. :)since i'm on the topic of schoo work now, everything is manageable except for my cds. i still find it hard to grasp some of the psychology concepts. got to work on it.
on a random note, i have yet to catch the movie my sisters keeper. anyone up for it??
6:34 AM