Sunday, February 28, 2010
i had fun today!
went to ECP for my maternal side family gathering.
though it was short, i had loads of fun.
especially with the three little ones. :)
they are growing up so fast.
hahas, cant escape the fact that i'm getting older..urgh! lol!
6:10 AM
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The final semestrals exams for sem 2.2 is finally over!!
no more stressing and burning the midnight oil. hahas!
i feel so relieved and happy. no wait, saying i'm happy is an understatement.
i know most of my past posts are mostly about school work but today, it's finally over!
i hope all goes well in my grades.
reality hasnt sunk in yet that i'll be in year 3 soon.
seems that it was just yesterday i had the orientation with my class.
i shall stop reminiscing now.. sheesh, mood killer!
10:10 AM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
tried the green tea frap today!
lol!! it tasted a bit like tea tarik to me!
hahas!! a tad too sweet for my liking but if you really love sweet stuff, it's quite nice!
not blogging much these days.
each day is a repeated cycle .
nothing special so i guess i wont blog much at the moment.
well, the semestral exams is next week and i shall start mugging soon.
ps: Pls let it come true!! pls pls pls!
12:54 AM
Friday, February 05, 2010

been watching we got married and i love JO KWON and GA IN!!
hahaha!! I cant wait for the next episode!!!in my opinion, if i were to rank them,
they are like the best couple in the show followed by hwang bo and hyun joong, taeyeon and hyungdon, andy and solbi and finally the ant couple, crown J and seo in young!
ok, time to watch the next show now!
i will start studying tomorrow! yes, i will!
6:52 AM
Thursday, February 04, 2010
i'm feeling happy since my CDS is finally overrr!!! yes!!
i have been waiting for this day to come for so long!
finally completed the final presentation and i think we managed to answer the questions posed well. hahas! got my results back also and i didnt failed the test for my cds!
the downside to my happiness is, i got to study for tmr's mbio practical test.
i have no motivation yet but i dont have a choice now do i?
time is ticking and i'll need to get cracking on my studies soon.
ps: cant wait for sunday. reunion with them classmates from year 2003-2007. ;)
5:27 AM
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
due to the unbearable pain,
i finally decided to drag myself to the doctor to get my ulcer treated.
thankfully, the medication worked and the pain had considerably subsided.
there was no school on monday this week.
so i went to the movies with my friends and watched hachiko.
damn, my eyes become watery soon enough and tears just kept falling near the ending bits.
yes, the movie is definitely touching.
the only downside when watching the movie was some guy in my row kept commenting and talking throughout the movie! omg, annoying much.
so today's wednesday and again, there's no school.
i have to spent the day wisely.
i do not wish to have a panic attack when friday comes.
9:04 PM